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Apa itu Celemony Melodyne? Celemony melodyne adalah sebuah software yang berguna untuk memperbaiki atau mengedit picth, tidak hanya untuk memperbaiki picth vocal, software ini bisa digunakan untuk apa saja, mulai dari instrument seperti guitar dan bass, hingga gendang, perkusi ataupun drum.
Sebenarnya penggunaannya hampir sama dengan fitur VariAudio yang ada pada software DAW Steinberg Cubase 5. Tutorial dan penjelasan fitur VariAudio yang ada di software Steinberg Cubase 5 dapat anda lihat di artikel saya yang berjudul Mengedit pitch vocal yang fals dengan Steinberg Cubase 5
Kalau VariAudio kan hanya ada di Steinberg Cubase 5, Bagaimana bila menggunakan Steinberg cubase yang versinya dibawah itu, ataupun software daw lain yang tidak mempunyai fitur tersebut? Nah software inilah yang bisa menggantikannya.
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Refashion the music in your recordings and samples intuitively, and in outstanding sound quality, reaching--thanks to DNA Direct Note Access--all the way down to the individual notes of which chords are composed.
The New Power of Melodyne
Melodyne editor is the first Celemony product to offer the revolutionary Direct Note Access technology. This makes possible what had previously been considered impossible: access to individual notes in polyphonic audio material. Correct wrong notes in a piano recording; change the chords in a guitar accompaniment after the recording is over; refashion a sample lick. Melodyne editor lets you do things of which, until now, you could only dream.
Massive Freedom
With Melodyne editor you can edit your audio material in an intuitive and flexible way. Simply move an audio note to a different pitch or a different position. Make notes longer or shorter, louder or softer. Delete notes from chords or add new ones by copying. Transpose or quantize your material, create from it melodic, harmonic and rhythmic variations. Once you've experienced the power to reshape audio in this way, you won't want to live without it.
A New Audio Age
Melodyne editor with DNA Direct Note Access represents a quantum leap in audio editing and the logical continuation of the musical approach for which Melodyne is known. Direct Note Access will change the way we work with audio. A new, simpler and more creative audio age is dawning--and with Melodyne editor you fre in at the start.
Apa itu Celemony Melodyne? Celemony melodyne adalah sebuah software yang berguna untuk memperbaiki atau mengedit picth, tidak hanya untuk memperbaiki picth vocal, software ini bisa digunakan untuk apa saja, mulai dari instrument seperti guitar dan bass, hingga gendang, perkusi ataupun drum.
Sebenarnya penggunaannya hampir sama dengan fitur VariAudio yang ada pada software DAW Steinberg Cubase 5. Tutorial dan penjelasan fitur VariAudio yang ada di software Steinberg Cubase 5 dapat anda lihat di artikel saya yang berjudul Mengedit pitch vocal yang fals dengan Steinberg Cubase 5
Kalau VariAudio kan hanya ada di Steinberg Cubase 5, Bagaimana bila menggunakan Steinberg cubase yang versinya dibawah itu, ataupun software daw lain yang tidak mempunyai fitur tersebut? Nah software inilah yang bisa menggantikannya.
Oke langsung saja

password : vstclubfreak
Refashion the music in your recordings and samples intuitively, and in outstanding sound quality, reaching--thanks to DNA Direct Note Access--all the way down to the individual notes of which chords are composed.
The New Power of Melodyne
Melodyne editor is the first Celemony product to offer the revolutionary Direct Note Access technology. This makes possible what had previously been considered impossible: access to individual notes in polyphonic audio material. Correct wrong notes in a piano recording; change the chords in a guitar accompaniment after the recording is over; refashion a sample lick. Melodyne editor lets you do things of which, until now, you could only dream.
Massive Freedom
With Melodyne editor you can edit your audio material in an intuitive and flexible way. Simply move an audio note to a different pitch or a different position. Make notes longer or shorter, louder or softer. Delete notes from chords or add new ones by copying. Transpose or quantize your material, create from it melodic, harmonic and rhythmic variations. Once you've experienced the power to reshape audio in this way, you won't want to live without it.
A New Audio Age
Melodyne editor with DNA Direct Note Access represents a quantum leap in audio editing and the logical continuation of the musical approach for which Melodyne is known. Direct Note Access will change the way we work with audio. A new, simpler and more creative audio age is dawning--and with Melodyne editor you fre in at the start.